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Showing posts from July, 2020

Summer Reading List - Summer Vacation

Hiya, Emeraude here! Today on our Summer Vacation series I'm talking about one of my favorite summer activities: reading! Yes that's very nerdy, no, I do not care.  I absolutely love books. I read at every chance I get. I have favorite authors, series, and books of course but that is a whole other post for another day... right now I'm just discussing the list of things I want to read before school starts back up for me in September.  Let's talk strategies. My realistic time frame is July 9th - August 31st which is about 7 weeks. Now, as much as I love reading, I am a slow reader, and I have a busy summer ahead of me. I can definitely set aside at least an hour a day everyday, meaning I might be better to estimate my time by hours of reading per book rather than how many I can read per month/week. When I think about it quickly in my head, this makes my list look a little unattainable. But I'm not going to panic yet.  Instead of strategies, lets decide a couple rules:...

Summer Playlist

Hiya, Emeraude here. On behalf of Alyssa (and myself of course). Today we bring you another addition to the Summer Vacation series... our favorite summer songs. A whole playlist full of them! Recently Alyssa and I were lucky enough to spend some time together in real life... more on that in a later post. During this time we tested out this playlist (quality control of course!) and I can report it was indeed an effective mood booster.  Warning, this is full of bubble gum pop because that's the summer music we enjoy, but don't worry, in the future I plan to talk about some other genres and put out some other fun-themed playlists. For now though, have fun dancing around to these.  Side note: during Alyssa and I's testing period, we discovered (a very scientific discovery, one that will blow your mind and keep you awake thinking all night... haha just kidding.) that these songs are best enjoyed one of two ways: with an ice cold cup of water (hydration people, hydration) or with...

Our Top 5 Tips to Beat the Heat

Hiya, Emeraude here. I'm sure you've read my post about the commencement of my Summer Vacation (If you haven't, go catch up here , I'll wait for you!), my two month break started with a two weak heat spell. That's what we're talking about today folks, the heat! Specifically how to survive it. Personally, I am writing this on my bed, in front of my trusty fan going full-blast. There are many other efficient ways to stay cool... which have come in handy since the past week we haven't had a single day that had temperatures cooler than 30 degrees Celsius (that's 86 Fahrenheit if you aren't in Canada) and most days settled around 41 Celsius (104 Fahrenheit). For some people that may be normal, but living in a community who's weather is usually on the colder side, that's pretty tropical. Here's my Top Five Tips on How to Beat the Heat #1- DRESS ACCORDINGLY     In any situation, preparation is key. In most situation, wardrobe goes a l...

Road Trip! - Summer Vacation

Hello! Alyssa here! I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday! I am joined by one of my cats who is sitting on my lap today, so pardon me if I'm a little distracted. I just got back from Kingston so I figured why not write about it? Before we get into anything, Emeraude has given me a question to answer! The question is, "What is your favorite summer activity?" Well, my favorite summer activity was definitely biking around town with friends, but now that I live in the middle of nowhere and my closest friend is a 15 minute drive away, biking with people other than my family is really difficult. Instead my favorite activity would have to be swimming. I love swimming so much and even though I am an excellent swimmer I feel like I would probably end up dragging the the person I'm trying to save underwater with me. Anyway, let me get on with the actual topic for today. So yesterday I got back from spending a week in Kingston with my family. My grandma has kind of made ...

Summer Vacation

Hiya! Emeraude here. This past week I graduated grade 8, which means this weekend is the first weekend (for me anyway) of summer vacation. I figured that today I would write about summer vacation. Personally I start counting down to summer vacation the first week of May. This summer is looking like a rather unorthodox one, so why don't I bring you all for a walk down summertime memory lane.  A few summers ago, Alyssa and I had a crazy obsession with the pool. I remember we used to meet at the community pool and swim from 6pm to 8pm, and that was aside from the swimming lessons we'd take during the afternoon. I remember it feeling like the best way to spend time during vacation. And when I say we went every night I'm serious. We swam in the rain, if it was freezing we didn't care, we'd swim Monday threw Saturday and complain that it was closed Sundays. From beginning of July to late August we were always there.  Living in a small town, you can walk anywhe...

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