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Road Trip! - Summer Vacation

Hello! Alyssa here! I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday! I am joined by one of my cats who is sitting on my lap today, so pardon me if I'm a little distracted. I just got back from Kingston so I figured why not write about it? Before we get into anything, Emeraude has given me a question to answer! The question is, "What is your favorite summer activity?" Well, my favorite summer activity was definitely biking around town with friends, but now that I live in the middle of nowhere and my closest friend is a 15 minute drive away, biking with people other than my family is really difficult. Instead my favorite activity would have to be swimming. I love swimming so much and even though I am an excellent swimmer I feel like I would probably end up dragging the the person I'm trying to save underwater with me. Anyway, let me get on with the actual topic for today.

So yesterday I got back from spending a week in Kingston with my family. My grandma has kind of made this tradition where every July she picks up my sister and I and takes us to visit our family in Kingston for a week. We have been doing this for as long as I can remember and I love it! It is one of my favorite places to visit in the summer. Usually we get to see lots of our family and hang out with with so many of our cousins. It's great. Sadly I didn't get to see many of my cousins because of Covid, but it's okay. Better to stay safe!

At my family's house, they have a pool, a huge backyard, a cuddly dog and so much more! There is so much to do and it's so fun! My grandma was previously visiting us so one morning we decided we should drive down to Kingston for the week. So on June 26 my sister and I packed up our bags and we drove to Kingston. We drove for 4 hours and finally pulled in the driveway of my family's house. My sister and I were being polite and saying hi to everyone but we wanted to jump in the pool so bad. My aunt noticed this and told us to just jump in the pool already. So we put on our bathing suits and swam until 10pm when my sister had to go to bed.

Everyday, we would go swimming, eat and then go to sleep. You can just repeat that and you will get my entire week. We did go shopping once and I got some new pens. They are very pretty. Needless to say, I had lots of fun.

Before I go I have a question for Emeraude. What is one of your favorite places to visit in the summer? I think I know what her answer might be but I won't spoil it for you!

I hope you enjoyed reading and I will see you next Wednesday!


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