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Summer Reading List - Summer Vacation

Hiya, Emeraude here! Today on our Summer Vacation series I'm talking about one of my favorite summer activities: reading! Yes that's very nerdy, no, I do not care. 

I absolutely love books. I read at every chance I get. I have favorite authors, series, and books of course but that is a whole other post for another day... right now I'm just discussing the list of things I want to read before school starts back up for me in September. 

Let's talk strategies. My realistic time frame is July 9th - August 31st which is about 7 weeks. Now, as much as I love reading, I am a slow reader, and I have a busy summer ahead of me. I can definitely set aside at least an hour a day everyday, meaning I might be better to estimate my time by hours of reading per book rather than how many I can read per month/week. When I think about it quickly in my head, this makes my list look a little unattainable. But I'm not going to panic yet. 

Instead of strategies, lets decide a couple rules:
  1. I can only read one book at once. - I tend to start a bunch at once and then never finish any because I am reading too many
  2. My list can only include books I haven't read or finished yet. - I don't have the time to read Matched or The Diary of Anne Frank a 200th time, those can be read during the school year
  3. I don't have any other rules but this list looks better with three items. 
Now that all that is out of the way, here's the list of books I want to read, in the order I want to read them.

 Stolen Girl - Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
I have read many of Marsha's books (Making Bombs for Hitler, The Underground Soldier, Don't tell the Enemy) and I love them. They are fictions, that are easy to imagine and emotional reads but they are based on true events from the Second World War. Her work sparked my curiosity about learning more about this war and the history behind it and I am super grateful for that. I have read so many history books to learn more thanks to her books. This is definitely the #1 book on my list... I already know I won't be able to flip the pages fast enough. 

Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry - Neil deGrasse Tyson
This is the only exception to the rules, I promise! I love all things science, but specifically Astrophysics. I found this book fascinating and really loved the easy-to-digest format. I want to read it again to refresh my mind. So I am. 

The Diamond Horse - Stacy Gregg
I have read most of Stay Gregg's horse-loving themed books. I read the first book in this series which was the Princess and the Foal which is based on a true story. This one is based on another true story and I never got around to reading it. I can't wait to finish this book! 

The Island of Lost Horses - Stacy Gregg
Similarly to The Diamond Horse, this is the only other book in the series I haven't read. I am itching to read about it. The story line sounds pretty complex and exciting. What I gather from the back cover, the story follows both a modern day island girl and a girl from across the world in 1400. I'm eager to learn the connection between their two stories. 

The Diary Endures - Life Magazine
My mom bought me this special addition issue a few months back and I never had any time to read it. Now I do, hoorah! It is about the life and legacy of Anne Frank and it's a sneaky way to evade rule #2. I can't wait to read what the scholars have to say about the inspiring diary of a young girl. The book was incredible and learning more about it is a wonderful idea. 

Professor Winsnicker's Book of Proper Etiquette for Well-Mannered Sycophants - Obert Skye
This book was so hard to get my hands on! My mom had to buy it from an old library in Wisconsin that had taken it out of circulation. This series is my favorite fantasy novel series, and honestly the only one I have really enjoyed.  I was first introduced to the Leven Thumps series by my 6th grade teacher Mrs G (shout out to my favorite teacher!) when we read Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo which I highly suggest no matter what genre you like best, you will want to read it over and over again until your eyes fall straight out of your head! I also read the last book in the series, the only trouble is that they are quite long and I tend to get migraines from reading too much when I have them around... safer for me to read this shorter addition to the series. Unlike the other books, this one isn't an adventurous tale, but rather a wonderful humorous book. Obert Skye writes in a way I have never read from other authors, it is hard to explain. Sometimes I find myself thinking that I am almost certain that he didn't create the world his books are set in, but rather is from that whimsical get away. I digress. This can (and should be) classified as a destination in my summer, rather than a book I will be reading. I will tell you on another date about my trip to the world of Foo. 

Rule of Three Book 2 Fight for Power - Eric Walters
The author of this series is from Canada, Toronto specifically and I am eager to read his work. Being a Canadian myself, I always love finding cool Canadian-made art, literature, music, products, etc. This book caught my eye at a school book fair last September and I have been waiting for the right time to read it. It is set in a post-apocalyptic Toronto from what I can tell and that's cool for me having been to Toronto frequently, because I can actually picture the districts and places he is talking about. 

Congradulations if you are still here after listening to a typical Emeraude book ramble! I will update you on each book as I begin to read them. Even though I have an infinite to-read list that I can never hope to finish until my retirement (which is a millennium awau!) I am always eager for new suggestions on what to read. Happy Summer! Have a wonderful day. 

Here's links to all the books I mentioned today, in case you want to read along with me:

Professor Winsnicker's book has been brought back into circulation, thank Foo!



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