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Summer Vacation

Hiya! Emeraude here. This past week I graduated grade 8, which means this weekend is the first weekend (for me anyway) of summer vacation. I figured that today I would write about summer vacation.

Personally I start counting down to summer vacation the first week of May. This summer is looking like a rather unorthodox one, so why don't I bring you all for a walk down summertime memory lane. 

A few summers ago, Alyssa and I had a crazy obsession with the pool. I remember we used to meet at the community pool and swim from 6pm to 8pm, and that was aside from the swimming lessons we'd take during the afternoon. I remember it feeling like the best way to spend time during vacation. And when I say we went every night I'm serious. We swam in the rain, if it was freezing we didn't care, we'd swim Monday threw Saturday and complain that it was closed Sundays. From beginning of July to late August we were always there. 

Living in a small town, you can walk anywhere within 20 minutes and biking gets you places nearly instantly. The summer before last, our activity of choice was definitively biking. Something I missed a lot last summer (since Alyssa had already moved away) was jumping on my bike and meeting her for slushies "down town". Most of the time all our friends would meet us as well and once we had our slushies or ice cream we would bike around to chose a spot to enjoy them. Sometimes we'd go to the dock or the park beside it, other times we'd go to the beach. We ended up in my backyard sometimes. The main part of our excursions were generally the same: meet up on our bikes, get a refreshment, bike around as a group.

My favorite summer activity is bonfires. In the last month of school last year, I was already hosting them in my backyard during the warmer evenings. I would prepare a tray for s'more making, pour our favorite chips in my party serving bowls, and create a suitable playlist. Generally I would only have a few people over at my house, because I'm not a fan of big groups. We would have a blast. I always keep a stock of sparklers for those nights. I have so many pictures of my friends and I running around my back yard with sparklers in our hands. Even just sitting around the fire, roasting marshmallows are some of  the best memories to me. 

I distinctly remember one crazy night. Alyssa and one of our other close friends had come over for a bonfire, and my mom had a wonderful idea. She took out the badminton set we had for the beach. Just to put this into perspective, the net was meant for sand, and we shove it into the hard grass covered ground behind my fence. I had the window open and the music playing as I prepared my s'mores tray. Alyssa and our other friend were outside playing badminton. At some point I heard a lot more shouting than usually and glance up to see them chasing each other around the net, rackets in hand. I was laughing until one of them ran straight into the net. The net was history and the game was over. 

Last summer was very difficult for both Alyssa and I, but I think more so Alyssa. She had to adjust to a whole new place, and all new people. I'm sure she will write about it in the future. Safe to say the both of us were a little lonely, missing each other. I continued advancing in my swimming lessons, and going to the pool with other friends, but it wasn't really the same. We were all missing Alyssa and our old routine. 

We all made the best of it though. I babysat most of the summer, when I could I went on road trips with my mom, I continued horse back riding practice throughout the summer. My mom and I went on fun camping trips. I spent afternoons with one of my other friends just enjoying nature and taking long walks. It was still a blast. 

I learnt something very important through this experience. It isn't so much about what you spend your time doing, but rather who you spend your time with. This summer may be very different, but knowing that principal will help me make meaningful plans and still have many great memories. Keep your eye out for an upcoming post about Alyssa and I's long distance summer plans and how we are spending our vacation this year. 

Before I leave here is my question for Alyssa "What is your favorite  summer activity?" I've already explained mine and I'm eager to hear what you have to say. Have a great day, and I will see you all next Sunday. 


  1. Just great! Well done Emeraude, you definitely had me pondering summers of my youth and remembering the fun of the summers you described. I also love the lesson you identified about the who overuling the what when it comes to the best summers - I couldn't agree more!


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