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Summer Playlist

Hiya, Emeraude here. On behalf of Alyssa (and myself of course). Today we bring you another addition to the Summer Vacation series... our favorite summer songs. A whole playlist full of them!

Recently Alyssa and I were lucky enough to spend some time together in real life... more on that in a later post. During this time we tested out this playlist (quality control of course!) and I can report it was indeed an effective mood booster. 

Warning, this is full of bubble gum pop because that's the summer music we enjoy, but don't worry, in the future I plan to talk about some other genres and put out some other fun-themed playlists. For now though, have fun dancing around to these. 

Side note: during Alyssa and I's testing period, we discovered (a very scientific discovery, one that will blow your mind and keep you awake thinking all night... haha just kidding.) that these songs are best enjoyed one of two ways: with an ice cold cup of water (hydration people, hydration) or with your bestie singing way too loud and off key. 

Alyssa and I enjoy a lot of the same music, although I tend to have a bit more broad a spectrum of genres in my playlist (yes, this is me trying to put a sophisticated twist on my indecisive habits). I think this makes our summer playlist very balanced, and a nice mix of a bit of everything. 

Without further a due, here's Alyssa and I's top picks for summertime jams:

    ♫ Sue Me - Sabrina Carpenter
    🎧 Juice - Lizzo    
    ♫ Don't Start Now - Dua Lipa
    ðŸŽ§ Good Thing - Zedd, Kehlani
    ♫ I'm Fakin' - Sabrina Carpenter
    ðŸŽ§ Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
    ♫ Maniac - Conan Grey
    ðŸŽ§ Come and Get Your Love - Redbone
    ♫ 22 - Taylor Swift
    ðŸŽ§ Good as Hell - Lizzo
    ♫ Southbound - Carry Underwood
    ðŸŽ§ Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
    ♫ Baby I'm Yours - Breakbot
    ðŸŽ§ Girl Almighty - One Direction
    ♫ Fun - Selena Gomez
    ðŸŽ§ Country Girl - Luke Bryan
We will add some, keep an eye on our Spotify playlist!

Of course, this is just our favorites, and we don't only listen to these during the summer time. We hope this put a smile on your face and got you singing or dancing. Have a wonderful day and we'll see you again soon!

If you want to download and have some fun, heres the Spotify link: Alyssa and Emeraude's Summer Favorites
Have a great day!


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