Hi there! Emeraude again, back for another edition of the fall series here on the blog. Today I am continuing with part two of the Fall Time Visit post, telling you all about when Angel and I were reunited with Alyssa. If you haven't read part one yet, go catch up here before you continue reading. Saturday after we cleaned up our sleepover mess, we decided to go for a little nature walk. Our first stop was downtown to go grab Polaroid refill for my camera because we had used up all the film the night before. On our way to the store we saw this little guy just chilling on the sidewalk and were pretty sure he may have been stepped on. We helped him into the grass where he seemed much happier. Here is our new spider friend on the side walk. Here is me saving him from the sidewalk. After we made our new spider friend, and bought some film for the camera, we made our way toward the trail. We didn't hike the whole trail because it started hailing and we wanted t...
Hello there, it's Emeraude back for another addition of our fall series. Today is a special one, I will be recounting Angel and I's visit with Alyssa over thanksgiving (in October here in Canada). We had a blast and it was great to reunite even though it was short! Lets get right into it. At the end of our school day on the Friday (the day after she arrived), Alyssa came to pick us up from school at the end of the day. It was so great to catch up on the walk back to my house. That night we went for cheesecake and pumpkin spice lattes at our local cafe and bakery, we walked in the snow, and had a super fun sleepover. We had the whole bakery to ourselves, I guess no one else wanted to go out since it was getting cold. We shared a scrumptious pumpkin cheesecake and chatted until closing. I enjoyed a pumpkin spice latte and Alyssa tried one as well, meanwhile Angel chugged an iced tea faster than we could even take pictures of our drinks! All that was left when we w...