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Em's Fall Favourites

Hey! Emeraude again, welcome back to the our fall series. Today I wanted to talk about all the things I've been loving as fall starts to set in. Let's get right into it!

    We've all heard of the term "sweater weather", and right now it's precisely that time. Mornings are pretty chilly around here (northern Ontario) and the afternoons bring a brisk breeze along with them. I've been loving flannels (thanks Taylor ❤) and sweater dresses at the moment, they keep me warm and they're stylish. Thanks to study hall, I don't have much homework , which allows me to curl up with tea and an old sweater (this week I've been living in my Raptors sweater) and watch some Netflix. 

    Speaking of tea... lately I have been drinking a variety of warming beverages, 'tis the season for it after all! My go-to tea for fall time is David's Tea Cinnamon Rooibos Chai, I've also really been enjoying caramel lattes and french vanilla cappuccinos (hot ones! usually I go for the iced stuff, but its too chilly right now). Click here to read all about Alyssa and I's tea obsession! 

    I mentioned that I have had time to cozy up for Netflix,  but that's not all. Currently I'm really enjoying the series Space Force on Netflix, and LOVING Hanna on Prime Video. Both are wonderful shows, Hanna is really intense, thrilling and mysterious, and Space Force is hilarious. I enjoy a combination of make you think and make you laugh,  so that's why I've been digging both series. I've watched Space Force a few times now and it never gets old... As for Hanna, I'm making my way through one episode at a time, I like to give myself time to think and reflect on the episodes. I'll keep you posted on how I like the evolution of the series. 

    During the fall I usually start listening to Christmas music, because I can't wait for Christmas to come faster, but this year I am learning a greater appreciation for enjoying the season I'm experiencing. So, I've been loving Folklore because it feels like the right music for right now and french indie music from Quebec. This playlist is what I've had on repeat the past week or so. It's best enjoyed while preparing a fall dinner or writing in candle light... but it's really good any time!

    At the moment I'm reading two books; River, Cross My Heart as well as Anne of Green Gables. The first is written by Breena Clark and is a really emotional novel, I can already tell within the beginning chapters... I'm really eager to read through it more. I've been reading it during study hall when I'm done all my work so I will slowly but surely get through it. I've been reading Anne of Green Gables right before school in my first period class while I wait for the morning bell to ring, and during lunch, meaning it may take me a little longer to get through that one. 

    Anne of Green Gables is for sure one of my all time most treasured stories, and I've been meaning to read the book for a while now. I'm about four chapters in and its. so. GOOD. The screen adaptation I like most after having dug into the written version is still Anne with an E, because it is so true to Lucy Maud Montgomery's style in my opinion. Usually when I read a book compared to the TV show or movie(s) it is a rough comparison and usually sucks some of the fun out of it. That is not the case here. The writers of Anne with an E did a wonderful job bringing to life the novel, and it is a pleasure to read with a picture of the scenery so closely related to the story in my mind. I'll have to write a whole blog post about it when I finish reading the book. 

    Why all this talk of books? Well, I feel that autumn is really a poets season. I love reading all year round, but during fall it's just that much better! I like to escape to a little book world while I enjoy a novel, and there is no season better suited to doing so. 

    I got what I needed to make pumpkin pie when I was doing groceries with my mom today, and I'm pretty excited to make my first pie of the season. I will keep everyone posted on how it goes! 

Well, that's everything from me today. I hope you all enjoyed hearing about my start to fall, and I will be back soon to chat more next Friday! I leave with a question for Alyssa: what is your dream autumn walk like? Have a wonderful day!

Stuff I mentioned (the leaves are quick links!):

Quick note, we don't have any affiliation with these links, just fun fall things to check out :)

    🍂 Here's a flannel similar to my fave, although since mine is a pass along, it has more character! 

    🍂 This is a sweater dress in a similar style to the ones I've been loving. 

    🍂The sweater I can't live without, we the north!

    🍂 My fave tea all year round.

    🍂 Caramel Lattes omg ❤

    🍂 French vanilla cappuccinos, seriously yum.

    🍂 Funny comedy to laugh in your cozy fall blanket.

    🍂 A thrilling series with lots of drama. 

    🍂 The deluxe edition of Folklore is some high quality autumn music


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