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Reunited with Alyssa - Fall Time Visit Part One

 Hello there, it's Emeraude back for another addition of our fall series. Today is a special one, I will be recounting Angel and I's visit with Alyssa over thanksgiving (in October here in Canada). We had a blast and it was great to reunite even though it was short! Lets get right into it. 

At the end of our school day on the Friday (the day after she arrived), Alyssa came to pick us up from school at the end of the day. It was so great to catch up on the walk back to my house. That night we went for cheesecake and pumpkin spice lattes at our local cafe and bakery, we walked in the snow, and had a super fun sleepover. 

We had the whole bakery to ourselves, I guess no one else wanted to go out since it was getting cold. We shared a scrumptious pumpkin cheesecake and chatted until closing. I enjoyed a pumpkin spice latte and Alyssa tried one as well, meanwhile Angel chugged an iced tea faster than we could even take pictures of our drinks! 

All that was left when we were done munching. 

As you can imagine, it had been forever since the three of us were able to go out together for a fun Friday night, making this a real treat. It was nice to get back to old times and reminisce together. 

On our walk back to my house it was snowing lightly, and prettily. Because Angel and I live in such a small town we have the privilege of a short, safe walk home at night - especially since there are three of us together. We listened to music on the walk home and appreciated the brisk fresh air. 

Once we got in, we relaxed for a while before carving pumpkins... just kidding! We put on a throwback playlist and acted like crazy people (thanks for putting up for the crazy teen girls in your house). I'd say that we are rather tame for our age. I believe that a Friday night dance party with your girlfriends is good for the soul once in a while, and this time was no different. 

Once we had calmed down more from the excitement of having Alyssa around, we settled in to carve some small pumpkins that my mom had picked up for us the day before. Alyssa being the artist, made hers a fancy unicorn. Angel and I are a lot less pumpkinly gifted, and opted for simple faces on ours. I'm proud to report, however, that I cleaned mine out best and they both left some pumpkin guts in theirs. It was all in good fun! 

We moved the living room furniture (just like old times!) and set up sleeping bags in front of the smart TV in preparation for our movie. Our agreed upon sleepover movie selection was the new version of Charlie's Angels (my idea, your welcome ladies). Angel and Alyssa followed our old code of not sleeping till the first hours of the morning, and I embarrassingly fell asleep halfway through the movie... but that pretty much in character for me as I've historically been the first to fall asleep at sleepovers. 

It was a very successful Friday night if I do say so myself, and it was a great start to our weekend visit with Alyssa. Come back later this week for the part two to this blog! See you then. 


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