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Our Friendship Volume I

Hiya! Emeraude here, wishing you a stupendous Sunday. Today I'm writing about Alyssa and I's friendship, and we'll hear her input this Wednesday.

We have known each other since kindergarten having grown up in a small town, but got really close when I was in 6th Grade and she was in 7th Grade. I think we bonded first over our mutual love of swimming. I remember a summer where I would call her every night and we'd meet at the community pool and swim from opening to closing. We have never been interested in the popular crew, I believe that's part of the reason that we get along.

Somehow we always end up loving the same things. Even when we don't plan to. We both love Sabrina Carpenter (a pop musician if you weren't aware, highly recommended) and watched her on the show "Girl Meets World" before we even really started hanging out. When the Netflix show "Lost in Space" came out we both watched it with our family's at the same time and found out later. We both love reading, we both love nature, both cat people, both love tea, both a little awkward... you get the idea. 

Do you ever just meet a friend and think "I don't think I can go through life without this person." or "Wow, we're the same kind of weird!" well that's kind of what Alyssa and I are like (especially the last one). Don't get me wrong, we argue like nobodies business, silent treatment and all, but we always figure things out. 

We spent so much time together in grade 7/8 (middle school) and when I say a lot I mean every weekend, every day after school, and if we weren't together we were on the phone... I don't think I've ever used a land line so much in my life. Sleepovers are a story for another time, but lets just say there were many.

But every good story has a dun dun dunnnn moment, right? Yeppers! Ours was when Alyssa's family decided to move. Now people moving out of our small town isn't rare, it's a great place and I love it, but there's a lot of reasons for people to move away. When we found out about this we had an entire school year to make memories, hence all the hanging out and sleepovers. At the same time, we wanted to start something that we could continue when she left. This is why we started a shared journal, and let me tell you. Best decision ever. 

Now we hang out on google duo calls. Thank goodness for modern technology. But having a journal where not only can we write each other letters but we can catch up and vent is really nice. For lack of a better format here is a bullet list of some of Alyssa and I's favorite things:
  • swimming
  • creativity 
  • nature
  • tea (chai specifically)
  • journaling
  • reading
  • pop music
  • cats 
  • skating
  • have I named enough yet?
There are so many things about our friendship we both want to write about, which is one of the reasons we started this blog. I hope this was relatable to some of you! I'd like to leave with the question for you all and Alyssa "What is the funniest thing that has happened when you were with your friends?" I'm eager to hear what Alyssa says because she's been present for most of my embarrassing moments (there are oh so many to chose from). 

Have a stupendous day!



  1. Oh dear, funniest thing with friends you ask... I think the friends I've stayed in touch with the most over the years are the ones with whom regular life can be the biggest joke - you know the friends you don't have to explain the joke to because they get your humour and understand why you're laughing at maybe the most seemingly inappropriate time. :)

  2. My best friend and I had been separated by geography for about 10 years, when I went to visit her. We wanted to re-watch the old favourite movies like "Willow" LOL! But her son could not find it in their vast video collection. I said, " If I know your mother, the movie "Willow" will probably be in this draw of your cabinet!" Yup! It was right there! Now that's funny!


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