Hiya! Emeraude here, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday. Do people even use the word stupendous? The next time I'm talking with somebody I'm going to use it as much as possible, just to see their reaction. Before we get into a discussion about teenagers and stress, I should answer Alyssa's question from last week. Her question was "What is your slushie order?" her's is interesting, mine is very simple! I like a medium blue-raspberry slushie on a hot summer day. Everyone is stressed about something, that's just life. But do you know the actual definition of stress? I didn't, I wasn't even really sure what the difference between stress and anxiety was. That's why today I decided to write about dealing with stress. I wanted to start by making sure I had a clear understanding on what was stress in my life and what was anxiety, because I think a common mistake I make when discussing these issues (which are equally important in my mind) ...