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Showing posts from May, 2020

How to Stay in Touch with Friends

Hiya! Emeraude here,  I hope you're having a spectacular Sunday, unless it isn't Sunday when you are reading this in which case my entire greeting falls apart. I digress. Today I thought I'd talk about staying in touch with friends when apart, I think it's safe to say more people have to be apart from their friends. Before we jump into all that, I want to answer Alyssa's question to me from her last post. Her question was "Whats your happiest memory with friends?" this is hard! I'm lucky to have so many fantastic memories with friends. I'd have to say that my favorite memory is when Alyssa and I rode our bikes in our town's annual 5k in support of cancer research. We biked to the point where volunteers were handing out water and made Inukshuks (little people shaped statues made from rocks to mark having been somewhere - from Inuit culture) on the beach before hopping back on our bikes to bike back to the BBQ. We had burgers and spent the rest o...


Hello, it's Alyssa. I hope that you are having a wonderful Wednesday! Today I want to talk about moving, but first I'm going to answer Emeraude's question from the last post. Okay, so the question was, "What is the funniest thing that has happened when when you were with your friend?" Oh gosh, that's a hard question! One of the funniest things that has happened would be when we were at one of our school dances. At the dance Emeraude was scream-singing to a song that was playing then suddenly the music stopped and she didn't notice so she continued singing at the top of her lungs. I was laughing so hard because everyone in the gym was so confused. It was the best. Continuing on with the topic for today, moving has been something that is a huge part of my life. In October 2018 I learnt that I would be moving 10 hours away from my family and friends. I was terrified because my small town was were I grew up. It was my whole life, all my best friends live there...

Our Friendship Volume I

Hiya! Emeraude here, wishing you a stupendous Sunday. Today I'm writing about Alyssa and I's friendship, and we'll hear her input this Wednesday. We have known each other since kindergarten having grown up in a small town, but got really close when I was in 6th Grade and she was in 7th Grade. I think we bonded first over our mutual love of swimming. I remember a summer where I would call her every night and we'd meet at the community pool and swim from opening to closing. We have never been interested in the popular crew, I believe that's part of the reason that we get along. Somehow we always end up loving the same things. Even when we don't plan to. We both love Sabrina Carpenter (a pop musician if you weren't aware, highly recommended) and watched her on the show "Girl Meets World" before we even really started hanging out. When the Netflix show "Lost in Space" came out we both watched it with our family's at the same time and foun...

Hi, nice to meet you!

Well hello there. We are Alyssa and Emeraude, the Baked Beanettes. Two teenage girls who decided to write a blog together. We have been close friend for ages and share a lot of interest and figured "We can't be the only fifteen year olds who love tea, reading, Netflix, journaling, and cats," so here we are. This blog is here for each of us to make posts about topics that interest us that week, such as shows we're watching and things we're discussing together. Bear with us as we figure things out and please check out the "About Us" section to learn about our personalities. We're starting with two posts a week, understanding people have more time to read in the state the world is currently in we will try to put out as much as possible. You can count on Wednesdays and Sundays for now. Have a lovely day, With Love,  Emeraude & Alyssa